10 November 2014

Super Powers!

Tonight at dinner, me and my friends started talking about super powers and what each of us would choose, if we could pick any power we wanted.

Some of use chose the always-popular "control over time"; stopping time, traveling back and forth, etc. We talked about whether changing the past would affect the present or not, which eventually led us to the time traveling paradoxes, but most of us agreed with the "you can't change the past" kind of opinion.

Others chose more simple powers, like controlling things with your mind (Telekinesis), reading minds (Telepathy), enhanced body strength/speed, teleporting, etc. Thankfully no one chose the "i want to have more powers" cliché.

I chose something a little different; I wanted the power to turn my imagination into reality. Not only is it a tremendously powerful ability, it's something that can vary and adapt to any need a "super hero" might have (or a super villain!).

Other fun powers that no one thought of were "emotion manipulation", healing, immortality, knowledge, flying, etc. (Yes, I'm basically listing powers from X-Men...) Those are also fun powers, although I don't really care for immortality. Seems like a very lonely power.

Anyway, while I was browsing the chaotic 4chan forum, I came across this thread and this image, and I found it incredibly satisfactory and challenging to choose among the gods.

  • Ur - the leader. You inspire respect in people, that's quite nice, and you protect the innocent. I'm guessing I can count animals as innocent, right? I do love animals! :P The taboo is abstaining from drugs, which i already do, so it wouldn't bother me. My only issue is that you should earn your respect, not have it being magically created.
  • Amlia - the healer. I liked the idea of controlling massive forests and healing, but I don't really like blood and gooeyness and all that yuck that doctors touch, so this one ain't for me
  • Ersu - for freedom. While it seems like a carefree life, the disciples would have to go to war zones and dangerous places to fight for freedom. Not being able to settle down or live a peaceful life didn't agree with me, even if I am not really a material person. The only objects i care about are the data in my computer (which can be stored in the cloud nowadays) and my books (which can be read online)
  • Optus - greed. Meh. Seeing as I'm not a consumist, what's the point in having money. I'd like to be rich, sure, but just enough so I wouldn't have any money-issues for the remainder of my life. Plus, not being able to donate to charity feels too selfish
  • Lux - knowledge. This was one of my favourites until i read the taboo. Sigh...
  • The Long Man - the shaman. This was also one of my favourites. I don't really find anything bad with the disciples of the Long Man, except for the fact that they'd have to renounce civilization and that would imply renouncing Internet :(
  • Lokt - power! No family, friends or lovers, only power and hatred and suffering. Plus I don't like to force people. I much prefer inspiring them to do my bidding! This one is not for me.
  • Quet - murder? Again, killing and what not, not my cup of tea.
  • XM - the unknown. This one was one of my favourites as well! While it is based on fear and nightmares, just the fact that we don't know it's agenda seemed something quite attractive to me.
In the end, I had to choose between Ur, the Long Man and XM and I wound up with XM. It seemed the most interesting of them all and the gateway ability is too good for lazy people like me, that don't like wasting time walking about don't want to drive either.

Which god would you choose? And why? Leave a comment down below!
Also, if you imagine some weird and cool super-power, be sure to let us know.

As always, all the best,

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