02 May 2014


Finally, a controversial topic! Most people, when I talk with them about abortion, seem to immediatly assume that being pro or against abortion is the same as thinking it should be legal or not. There is, however, a very big difference between those lines of thought, and here's why i believe so:

  • In a country where abortion is illegal, families that really want to abort will find someone with no medical licence that will do the cirgury for them with minimal safety and health conditions
  • Earth is overpopulated. Not only do i believe world-wide birth control laws should be implemented, but so should the legalization of abortions
  • It's none of our business what other people do with their bodies/unborn children. If you don't think abortion is right, then don't abort! (this is also why i think gay marriage should be legal)
  • Accident or forced babies (i'll come back to this one)
Now, these motives seems a bit cold to some, right? Most anti-abortion activists call abortion "murder". However, most of these activists won't adopt a child that would join the Adoption System because the parents couldn't raise him properly and couldn't abort him. If abortion were legal, what anti-abortion activists could do was to stand in front of abortion clinics and try to talk people out of doing it. For people that claimed "I don't have conditions to raise my baby", the TRUE activist would offer to adopt the child and raise him/her himself and then he might save a life.

Now, the biggest reason why i think abortion should be legal is my 4th point. Accidents happen all the time, right? Do you think those 16yo girls with no means to make a life, no job, no driver's licence, still in high school are meant to have and raise another human being? They still can't take care of themselves!
And then... There are rape babies. It just seems wrong that a raped woman who got pregnant should have to live with this. Having a constant reminder in your life of (probably) the most traumatic event that has ever happened to you seems like something no one should have to endure.

And so we reach the conclusion of my first topic for this post: abortion should be legal, yes. (Keep in mind that when i say abortion, it's up until a certain age of the fetus!). If you disagree, just comment down below with your opinions and show me your point of view.

Moving on, we now join the discussion of being pro or against abortion. This no longer is about whether it's legal or not, but whether you, if faced with the situation where abortion was an option, would consider it or not. Now, assuming that a pregancy was discovered, from a consentual relationship between 2 adults (i say adults, but anyone with the given capacity of thought and of having sex), why would you want to abort or why would you not want to? 

We can discard most types of pregnancies and just stick to the unexpected ones or ones that would endanger the mother (still assuming consentual between adults). Now, assuming an unexpected pregancy, we can think of a couple of motives for wanting an abortion.
  • No conditions (money, love, time and stability-wise) to raise a child
  • No desire to raise a child (too soon for one, not the right person to have on with)
  • Can't have a child for external motives (One Child Policy)
  • SO (significant other) doesn't want a child
If all of these prove false, then you have the conditions and the desire to have a child and abortion isn't an option. If your problem is an external motive, then you are forced to do one of two things: terminate the pregnancy or change those external conditions (moving to another country, for example). 

If your SO doesn't want a child, it is a problem that will lead us to gender equality. Nowadays, in most countries, the woman is the only one to decide whether to abort or not. The male has no saying in it, and i think that's retarded. If a woman can decide to keep a baby and then even sue the father to get regular payments until the child is 18, a man should be able to do the same. If a man wants to keep the child (and the birth poses no realistic risk for the mother), then you shouldn't be able to abort and the mother should help support the child until it's an adult. Gender equality, darn it!
No, but seriously, i think both parents should have to agree to an abortion in order to be able to legally procure one.

Now, the other 2 points, having no conditions or no desire to raise a child, those are personal and will always depend on the situation. If you are a brimming young woman that doesn't want to throw away a great career in engineering because of a one night accident, you may consider aborting. You need to, however, consider what you might be giving up.
You can be destroying potential, a young Charles Darwin that would change the world. You can be losing something that would make you happy and proud for the rest of your life.
Then there is the other side of the coin. You can be ruining your life and waste your own potential because of a child. You can regret having it and not being able to pursue your dreams anymore.

For these 2 points in particular, i can offer no opinion. Your SO and family are there for that, as well as adoption centers. It will always depend on what you and your SO want and whether you are ready or not to deal with all the responsabilities and problems/great moments that come associated with having a child. Personally, i feel that if you don't have conditions to raise a baby healthily and with love, you should consider adoption and, depending on what country you are in, if adoption is something you don't wish for a child, only then consider abortion.

This was a long one! Show me your opinion on the subject in the comment section down below. 
All the best

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