23 May 2015


Feminism is one of those ideas that started good and has lately derailed. According to Wikipedia, feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

When the movement first appeared, many women lived in a misogynistic environment, and even today some probably do. While I agree that both men and women deserve the same rights (why wouldn't they?), I also hear from many different sources that women still don't have the same career opportunities as men, still get paid less than men (except in porn), still feel treated with inferiority in a work environment.

My girlfriend showed me Lean In, a book from Sheryl Sandberg, where she accounts for a meeting she had at some company with several male employees and one other female employee. While someone was giving a speech, if a male employee questioned something, he'd be answered, but when either of the women interrupted, they got reprimanded. One of the male employees even noticed and commented this with the author.

Sexism is one of those things that I don't understand in society. If an employee or employer judges someone in the work environment by their work quality, they are in their right. But why would they neglect opinions just because they come from women? It makes sense that it has to do with sexual desires and/or frustrations, but problems like those should be solved with whoever was the source of the problem, and not with an entire gender.

Like I said, feminism started well. If feminism could solve these situations I just described, yay! The problem is, just like many other movements, there is a small percentage of the group which is much more aggressive, much more noticed and talked about, and much more wrong. I'm talking about the sexist feminists, the ones that don't advocate equality between genders, but that women should be above men.

It's because of these women that feminists and regarded as a joke across the Internet. These moronic women openly ridicule their own movement, with comments about how men did something and it caused them trouble and they want equality by being superior to men. They spread images claiming women, in no case whatsoever, should be physically hurt by men. It has become so widely known that even other women have tried to stop it.

I understand that this is just a small group of people, but as in most situations of society, a group is classified by their worse members and until they change, feminism is regarded by most men as some moronic claim from women that got fired for being incompetent but believe they got fired for being women.

As to my own opinion about feminism, I think women are different from men in many ways. Men are much more obsessed with sex than women, for example, and this leads to situations where a guy that sleeps with a lot of women is called a stud but a woman that slept with lots of men is called a slut. Because most men really just want to sleep with a ton of women and women are regarded as passionate and long-relation lovers (at least where I grew up), men who do are praised and women are insulted. While we have these differences among us, I think it's completely normal to treat people differently. If it was the other way around, if women were known for trying to screw every guy that showed, and men were known for trying to have meaningful long relations, then men would be called sluts and women studs. 

I support equal rights for both sexes, but I don't think equal rights means women should be treated the same way as men. I think the way we treat people is based on the way people act and the way we expect them to act. While race, for example, doesn't set a behavioral pattern (that I know of), at least in my opinion, gender sets behavioral differences and causes us to judge them differently. Maybe I'm being sexist, but show me proof and I'll change my opinion. 

I also think that women should not disregard their role as 'mothers' because they think it makes them look weak. I think a woman can chase a career, can be a strong and independent woman, and can still be a wonderful soccer mom, just like men can. It's all about balance. I'd like to quote Varg Vikernes on his (quite aggressive) opinion about feminism:

The modern women can no longer cook, they no longer want children and they are no longer warm, tidy and loving creatures who think spending time with their family is a good thing. They are probably too "independent" and "strong" to even have a family of their own. The only thing modern women have to offer men today is sex. So instead of being loving housewives who cook and raise children, they are reduced to being sexual objects only – and they are so messed up emotionally and intellectually that they often spend most of the money they make on their jobs on plastic surgery, cosmetics and tons of clothes they think will make them look good, in a desperate attempt to stay or become more attractive. Well, they have no other qualities attractive to men, so what else can we expect? This is the fruit of feminism. The fruit of “women’s liberation".
He does have a strong and aggressive point of view, but I find some truth (about some women) in his words. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this post.


1 comment:

  1. Nicely done and enjoyable read, neat opinion. I do share from the same and since we're talking about humans, there's always the entire and the portion of course, but we tend to be repetitive. :p
    I think that some women are still discovering liberalism.. some turning it into profligacy.
