09 August 2015

If Her Age Is On The Clock...

... then she's too young for the cock!

Good ol' adage! There are 3 major types of attraction to young people: pedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia. Pedophilia is being attracted to prepubescent people, hebephilia to pubescent people and ephebophilia to adolescents. 

I had an argument with a friend a few days ago where we talked about pedophilia and the age of consent, or the age at which a person is considered "legally permitted to engage in sexual activity". His point was that only morality makes it wrong to lust for younger girls (we're both male, so we can only discuss a male point of view) and that as soon as girls start on their periods, their bodies are ready for sex. He went on to give me a history lesson where dozens of cultures in the past centuries used to marry girls aged 9-15 to older males and where nothing had gone wrong. 

Now, my point is not that he is completely wrong. But let's take this step by step. First of all, you gotta notice that people died at age 50 in past centuries, so being married and getting pregnant young made some sense. You also have to understand that people were trying to expand, just drop a bunch of kids in the world to spread the family name, and the world was a vast place. Nowadays, Earth is overpopulated, so again, the situation changes.

With that said, I agree that, biologically speaking, there is nothing wrong with having sex with women that have reached puberty. Puberty, as far as I understand, means that the body is ready for sexual reproduction. However! If sex is had with the goal of reproduction, and not simply pleasure, there are higher risks with teen pregnancies than with regular ones. According to WebMD, teens are more likely to get hypertension or preeclampsia. There is also the issue of discrimination, which can lead to depression or lack of pre-natal care or any other number of problems. Discrimination is something that society, as a whole, could try to erase, but nowadays it is still a sad reality.

So, having established that sex requires the body to mature enough, actual psychological maturity should also come into account.  Pedophilia is inherently wrong because the body isn't still ready for sex, but hebephilia and ephebophilia are not the case.

The desire for sex is something that depends on society and that will be different with different cultures. In my case, when I was 14, I only wanted to play video games and stuff like that. My female friends were aso not interested in marrying and having sex and getting pregnant at that age. We were kids, and we acted as kids. In different cultures, if girls are expected to marry at those ages, they act differently and might indeed want to get married and have kids. In other words, society's expectactions affect our desire for sex from a young age.

However, regardless of desire, the brain is not fully developed at the age of puberty. It also only fully matures at 25, and I expect most people to be mature enough to have sex before then. I'm guessing that maturity should depend on every single individual, and that there can't be a definitive age of consent. The problem is that there isn't also a way to find that value, so an estimate has to be given for the entire population. In Portugal and the USA, for example, a base age of consent is defined in the law, but there is still some room of maneuver for cases with older victims, and I find this a pretty good system; it allows for the victim's maturity to come into play and allows a case to be treated with some flexibility.

I guess my biggest issue with hebephilia and ephebophilia would be that fact that it's not something that will last. Imagine I have a daughter, 14 years old. If I'm in India, for example, I can marry her with the 22 year old living down the road, and they'll be married and have a great life. However, if I'm in Portugal and some 22 year old says he loves her and wants to date her, my immediate thought is that this guy likes little girls, is gonna do things to my daughter, and after a couple of years will move on to someone younger because she doesn't suit his fetishes anymore. Maybe the guy's sexual desires will change and he'll love her forever and they'll get married, but if he is 22 and still likes 14yo girls, than I find it unlikely to happen. I really just want my daughter to be happy and not "just another piece of ass".

What do you guys think? How are things in your country? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading,

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